Tuesday 25 August 2015

Professional Studies TDSA 1, Introduction

You chose an image which you felt represented your current philosophy on education in relation to being a learner, being an enquirer, or being a professional in a global era and share in group. Reflect on and share the perspectives of your group.
In Professional Studies, I chose the roller coaster to reflect my current philosophy in relation to being a learner. As a learner there are challenges - some say it gets more challenging to learn as you mature "You can't teach an old dog new tricks".. In some ways (reflecting upon our first lecture Child and Adolescent Development and the nature/nurture debate) as you get older, it certainly becomes more challenging to approach new learning experiences with an open mind. There are some things as a learner that I expect to enjoy on the PGDE - the roller coaster highs, and there will also be the g-force vomit-inducing downs (Maths: help!) But so far I HAVE enjoyed and look forward to getting fully immersed in this ride!

One lady in the group chose the picture of the park. She described the people in the park as doing their own thing, being reflective and learning, but also being part of a wider context of the park itself. I'm just hoping for this course to be a walk in the park... Wayyyyy! A gent in the group was unsure of what to choose. He said (almost jokingly) that the fire could be interpreted as you the professional as the 'spark' to ignite the child's learning. I do hope to inspire learning. I aim to challenge, question, develop and expand children's knowledge. I aim to keep an open mind, to listen, to understand, to learn.

I don't want to burn anything down.

Post Script. If you think roller coasters are fun, check out this guy