Wednesday 26 August 2015

Math's TDA and Lockhart's Lament

I have been tackling the latest TDA, this time Mathematics (the one I have been dreading). We had to complete two Diagnostic tests to highlight areas for improvement. Cue breathlessness, sweaty palms and a raised heart rate. What if I don't get the questions right? Will other students be able to see my results?? Will I receive an email notifying me that my maths skills are atrocious and I have, in fact, been thrown off the course???

"What we need are notions, not notations" - Gauss (1777-1855)

About an hour later the tests have been completed (anonymously) and I received an acceptable percentage. Memories washing over me of school days in silent classrooms repeating formulas and learning from text books. I had an excellent maths teacher at secondary school, it was the school's (and government's) approach to grades and testing that put me off. I was in the bottom set maths division- dunces together; but Dr Mirza treated us as equals. Maths wasn't always hoops to jump, it was to be enjoyed. I still remember the joy of working through simultaneous equations and how it tickled my brain in the way that only real learning does.
Hypothetical learning trajectory - Landscape learning

Approaching mathematics from the teaching perspective does make me wonder if I have the skills to teach it. It's been ten years since I sat in a maths class, will I be able to remember and improve upon the skills I learnt oh so many years ago? Determined not to let these thoughts overwhelm me, I decided to soldier on with the remaining tasks in the TDA- extensive reading. Fosnot & Dolk's The Landscape of Learning (2002: chap 2) and Boaler's What's going wrong in Classrooms? (2009 chap 2). Again my mind is filling up with memories from secondary maths, reflecting upon the ways in which I was taught and the opinions of these two texts. Finally, the last reading assignment:

A Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart 2009

If you, like me, remember dragging your heels along to maths class, feeling like you were a 'can't do' rather than a 'can do' * and even though you felt some interest, you were generally beaten down by the whole concept of 'maths'- then you need to read this article. Get comfortable - it's fairly long, but it's worth it. I can say quite plainly that it has changed my attitude to mathematics. It's ignited the creative spark inside me that I once felt for simultaneous equations, rejuvenated my curiosity and instilled an excitement for maths that I thought was long gone. Lockhart had me nodding and laughing to myself, inspired by his approach to teaching mathematics to a class. That, coupled with the other two texts given to us has re-enforced my understanding of the importance of class collaboration, active discussion which is student led, allowing learners to take ownership of mathematics problem solving and recognising that learning is not linear. It really IS a landscape. This certainly provides challenges from a teaching perspective and skills to be developed. I aim to develop, improve and become confident in my maths skills in order to have a fantastic pedagogy, to be a creative mathematics practitioner. I'm excited about maths! And it's so wonderful to feel that again- I had forgotten!

"If you can't be real, than you have no right to inflict yourself upon innocent children"
- P. Lockhart

* Boaler 2009

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